Report: Hackademy training programmes 2012-13

The New Media and Web Radio fast-track training programmes were completed over a period of 16 working weeks (from November 2012 to April 2013), consisting each of 96 hours of classroom time in total. Both covered the same 72 hours of core courses whilst another 12 hours focused on the specific subject areas of journalism and radio respectively.

10 trainees enrolled for this first round of courses, which was taught by a total of 21 trainers and lecturers. The trainers, some of whom are professional journalists, while others are citizen journalists who specialize in the use of new media and others again are scholars, represent a wide scope of the circles of new technologies, journalism, media, communications and radio.

Of the 18 subjects covered in total by the two programmes, 10 were core courses taught in both and can be summarized under three main thematic cycles: [1] Technical issues - Internet, [2] Citizen Journalism and [3] Communications. The remaining 8 subjects covered specialized topics pertaining to journalism and radio.

The main training programme was complemented by four one-day seminars/workshops focusing on the use of social media and mobile devices for reporting, citizen journalism, intellectual property rights and digital rights. These workshops were followed by an additional 10 people (journalism students or professionals).

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